Faust is Dead
Faust is Dead

Mitch Hookey as Alain
Alex Pangburn as Pete

Alain with Madonna and David
Alain with Madonna and David

Mitch Hookey as Alain

Alain, getting trashed at a bar
Alain, getting trashed at a bar

Mitch Hookey as Alain

Alain and Pete
Alain and Pete

Mitch Hookey as Alain
Alex Pangburn as Pete

Pete makes a circle
Pete makes a circle

Mitch Hookey as Alain
Alex Pangburn as Pete

A glowing circle of pills in the desert.

Faust is Dead
Faust is Dead

Mitch Hookey as Alain

Alex Pangburn as Pete

The Chorus interludes
The Chorus interludes

Alex Pangburn as Pete

The Chorus on TV
The Chorus on TV
Pete and Alain chat online
Pete and Alain chat online

Mitch Hookey as Alain
Alex Pangburn as Pete

Front projection onto scrim.

Alain videos Donny
Alain videos Donny

Mitch Hookey as Alain
Scott Button as Donny

Live video from a wireless camcorder

Pete talks to Alain at a hospital
Pete talks to Alain at a hospital

Mitch Hookey as Alain
Alex Pangburn as Pete

Donny reassures Alain
Donny reassures Alain

Mitch Hookey as Alain
Scott Button as Donny